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The Double Plug

Start off with the 1.2 inch phallus shaped tip, then the slightly larger and rounder 1.4 inch bulb. Grab onto the "T-Shaped" Base and enjoy all 4.6 inches of length!

US$ 19.95
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Start off with the 1.2 inch phallus shaped tip. Then, feel the excitement grow as you work in the second, slightly larger and rounder 1.4 inch bulb. Finally, a slender neck allows you to wrap around and hold until you're completely satisfied! With the 4.6-inch T-shaped base means your plug won't get lost in the action!
  • 4.6 in length x 1.2 in diameter anal bulb x 1.4 in diameter 2nd anal bulb
  • Medical grade silicone
  • Waterproof 
  • Extremely Easy to Clean!
Recommended for use with water-based lubricants such as GUN OIL® H2O, GUN OIL® Toy, PINK® Water and PINK® Frolic
Clean-up is made easy with GUN OIL® Shine Foaming Toy Cleanser. Note: GUN OIL® Shine ships to U.S. addresses only
* Due to the nature of the product, all sales of toy products are final.

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